Bible Commentaries

I have taken to storing leaves of paper between the pages of my Bible, to take notes whenever I study Scripture. When I finish a book or section of text, I compile these notes and publish them. My first Commentary was published in August of 2009. I primarily read from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation, though for clarity and exegetical comparison I will supplement this with other translations, such as the NIV or NRSV. I also increasingly rely on the New Jerusalem Bible, particularly for the deuterocanonical books accepted in the Catholic Church.

1 Thessalonians (29 August 2009)

Colossians (9 November 2009)

Philemon (22 November 2009)

Ephesians (25 January 2010)

Galatians (6 March 2010)

James (14 June 2010)

1 John (20 June 2010)

1 Peter (15 August 2010)

Romans (Feb. 2011 - Aug. 2011)
Romans 1-2:1 (18 February 2011)
Romans 2 (5 March 2011)
Romans 3 (15 March 2011)
Romans 4 (27 March 2011)
Romans 5 (10 April 2011)
Romans 6 (1 May 2011)
Romans 7 (29 May 2011)
Romans 8 (5 June 2011)
Romans 9 (12 June 2011)
Romans 10 (19 June 2011)
Romans 11 (26 June 2011)
Romans 12:1-8 (2 July 2011)
Romans 12:9-21 (10 July 2011)
Romans 13 (17 July 2011)
Romans 14 (24 July 2011)
Romans 15 (31 July 2011)
Romans 16 (1 August 2011)
Isaiah (Aug. 2011)
Preface (2 August 2011)

Mark (Jan. 2016)
Preface (22 January 2016)